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0.4g Sleeved Ultra Whip Wag (RED)


Niveau du stock: 20

Information produit

Originaly listed in my 1st mail order brochure of 1993 and simply called Whip Wags. But no fibre tips back then just a very fine balsa tip. Todays pattern still carries the same cariteristics as the originals a nice slender taper from base to tip which is super for reading bites through the water, but just at home fishing a bulk to get bait down and should cover most bottom end whip styles upto 5mtrs. to hand quite comfortably. With the sleeved tip aiding visabilty at distance

Description: 1.5mm painted sleeve over a fibre tip, Cane Peg and a beautifully hand turned slender Balsa profile.

Note: Also Available without a 1.5mm sleeve at tip made to order only at present.

Code produit: 0.4DB4UV16

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